Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Biggest LOOSER!

Okay, so last night was the season premier...all I have to say is BOO!
How dissapointing is it that 9 people went home. I understand that they have the chance to come back...BUT how are they suppose to learn after only 1 week at the ranch! And how dare them split Jerry and Estella up...I cried on that one!!!

ORANGE TEAM...what can I say, a combined total weight of almost 800 lbs. inspiring is it that 2 friends are in it like this...Daniel lost 30lbs his first week.

Jerry, after fainting because his blood pressure dropped so low, lost 25 lbs in one week at age 65!!! Rock on Jerry...
Now...Ron lost a whopping 32 lbs in one week...holy smokes! I want to loose 32 lbs and I can't do that in 4 months...GO RON!
The dissapointment I have is letting that many people go home right off the bat, yes they have the chance to come back but the point of the show is to lock them up at the ranch and teach them a different lifestyle and having them one week and sending them home...I just think it was to early!
Please let me know your thoughts, thumbs up or down?


Anonymous said...

Thumbs down on last nights show! I was soo pumped! And then for them to send home 9 people! I thought they were going to change lives! Like you said, how can you change your life after just one week! I also thought the silver team was going to have a throwdown on who was going home!

Hopefully next week is better!

Aubrey said...

I agree....I so looked forward to it and now it's kinda disappointing. I thought they brought them there as couples to motivate one another, not get them all down in the first week!

BTW...I found your blog thru Stephanie's...your little girl is very cute!

Brooke May said...

Hi Jessica.
I am a huge biggest loser fan and I was sad that they sent that many home. Hopefully they have trainers just as good at home as they do on the ranch! Hopefully all works out well!

Collins Fam said...

I agree Aubrey...I cannot figure out why. I understand that they need to work at home just as hard as they do at the ranch, but one week isn't enough to change them...