Wednesday, February 4, 2009

catching up

I haven't blogged in a while becuase I have been so busy trying to get caught up from my Grandmother's funeral and no vehicle and bla bla bla...

Anyway, last weekend, we started our Friday night voyage to Champaign to the assembly hall to see WWE and ECW! It was awesome! I loved every bit of it. (Even without Cena) I got to see some of my favs...Kofi Kingston! (He is my fav!) Ray Misterio, Kane, CM Punk, and some oldies....Tommy Dreamer...HBK Shawn Michaels...and more! I loved it, you weren't allowed to take pics in there but I snagged on when noone was looking...its not a good one, but you get the feel for how close we were!

Then Saturday night I went with Chris to the Ameren Christmas Party ( January). It was at Stone's throw. It was alright, a little boring because I don't know very many people but the food was good and the drinks were smooth :)

Then Sunday we watched the Super Bowl and ate some snacks, I felt like it flew by! In 2 weeks we have Claire's bday party...her 2nd HOLY CRAP!

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