Friday, February 6, 2009

BRRRR - Could use some help here!

So every night I put Claire to bed with her blankey and baby. She now has decided that she doesn't want to use her blankey but to hold. If you try to cover her up she yells...NO DON"T LIKE IT! So I let her go to sleep and sneak in later to cover her morning...blanket gone and she is curled up in a little ball in the corner of her crib...shivering! Her feet are blue (because she takes her socks off in the middle of the night) and her legs are ice cold, because now she is potty training and she takes her pants and diaper off in the middle of the night because she doesn't want to wear one! So I thought I would be sneaky and put her in a long sleeve onesie last night, that was still on this morning when I snuck in there to cover her up again, but no blanket, socks, or pants. So now, (which I am sure it is from her being cold) she has a real bad cold!!! GOSH! What do I do to keep her warm at night, her clothes on...and whatever else! GRRRR She is so smart!

To show how smart she is, last night she went and picked up daddy's back of tootsie rolls and I told Chris to take it from her before she got a belly ache, so he did and I look over and the little shit had hid a handful under her butt because she knew he was going to take the bag! Where does she come up with this stuff?

So now we are potty training and she doesn't want to wear a diaper (but we are not far enough along for that) and she doesn't want to wear panties because the rub her thighs (welcome to the world of a woman underwear rubs mine too!!!) so last night she goes streaking through the house with her shirt, no undies ....but she does have pants but they are pulled down just a little bit so all you see is her lil butt as she runs by...I swear she goes potty 25 times of an evening!

She is getting to the point where I think she is starting to get bored. She doesn't want to read a book, or color, or play with her kitchen, she hates tv (why I don't know because I love my shows and I thought she would too :) so I think she just needs to go outside and run but it is freezing and a mess. She doesn't want to listen at all and thinks that she is 10ft tall and bullet proof and pretty much tells me how it just seems easier to give in to her everyneed other than to argue.

I guess this is the toddler phase or terrible 2's or whatever you want to call it. If you have any words of incouragement - ideas- suggestions - free babysitting :) let me know!



Sarah D said...


This will pass. It all does. It just seems like it never will.

Not sure how it will work with the potty training, but would she wear footy pajamas? There is nothing cuter than a kid in those! Maybe if you took her shopping and let her pick them out she would feel better about wearing them.

Good luck ;)


Collins Fam said...

That is a good idea...I will have to get the ones with snaps though because she will unzip them if they have a zipper!