Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Sarah Palin - Unplugged

By the way, I am a huge TODAY SHOW fan and this morning Matt started his intereview with Sarah Palin and it will answered all the questions I had about her...such as the arguing during the campaing in which she said was not true and never happened...she addressed the rumor that supposedly her daughter's baby wasn't really hers...which she said was crap...They did mention that she is the only state Governor the will drive herself to work. Tomorrow is part two on whether she will run for President for 2012...I can hardly wait to hear what she has to say.

Pulled from MSNBC - “I had great faith that perhaps when that voter entered that voting booth and closed that curtain, that what would kick in for them was, perhaps, a bold step that would have to be taken in casting the vote for us,” she said at one point. “So the margin was pretty surprising to me.”
Her thoughts of how suprised she was by the margin was actually believable. She always has a way of saying things that sure spice up the room. She also said that he and John still talk every day which I found suprising myself. So, what do you think is now in store for her and do you think she will be a candidate in 2012?

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