Monday, October 27, 2008

I'm back...

Thank you Samee Jo for kicking my but in gear...
I have had a lot going on lately and I thought I needed to get back to this and I now have been tagged by SammeJo so what better way to get on board than to reply to this...

The rules go like this:
1. Post the rules on your blog.
2. Write 6 random things about yourself.
3. Tag 6 people at the end of your post(or as many as you want)
4. If you are tagged, do it and pass the tag along.
5. Enjoy

So here I go...
1.) I hate to clean my house, I would rather throw my clothes in a basket all nice and neat then have to hang them up in the closet.

2.) I am a little obsessed with dressing my daughter! She has to have a bow, shoes, socks, everything that matches. Poor kid!

3.) I love Law & Order SVU Reruns!!!! ALL DAY LONG!!!

4.) I am managing the Bloomington, INDIANA and Wausau, WI directories.

5.) Claire is a duck for Halloween and she loves to run around saying QUACK QUACK>>>

6.) I send almost an hour a day talking to my friend that deserted me to a different state...wonder who that would be?

TAG -Your it

Stephanie - Chasing the Roots

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